Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Post Inspiration

Here is my inspiration for the first post!

Huffingtonpost never ceases to keep me interested.

Facebook or FAKEbook?

299 words


To: Professor Clark
From: Katie Ramirez
Date: May21, 2012
Subject: Blog Post Assignment 

Blog Name: All Things Social Networking
Blog subject/tone/voice/personality: sarcastic, bold, some humor
Blogger Name: Social-Site Socialite
Blog post title: Facebook or FAKEbook?
Audience: Young adults who use and understand social networking websites
Design Template Choice: Awesome Inc.-template incorporates a simple solid color with a light blue font which is welcoming and easier on the eye.  Light blue is also the color of facebook which relates to the post.

Facebook or FAKEbook?

     “OMG, did you see the pictures I was tagged in from last weekend, I was totally wasted!”
     I frequently hear lines like this in every day conversation.  Is it obnoxious?  Yes.  Facebook is my least favorite social networking site for a lot of reasons.

"He keeps poking me!"
     One reason, there is NO WAY you have 900 friends in real life-unless you are one hell of a socialite.  You probably actually only communicate with a few of them.  Fakebook is maybe a more accurate name for the site.

 “Can you believe she had the nerve to LIKE my status about my boyfriend after she was talking shit about us today?”
     I scroll through my newsfeed and I see endless pictures from girls and guys alike seemingly begging for attention, or trying (sometimes desperately) to get the world to notice what they are doing. Like this.

     On occasions, you may find the facebook friend who feels the need to post about EVERYTHING he/she is doing.  “Just ate a bowl of cereal”, “gonna shower soon...”, “just fed my cat”.  I don't want to pass judgements, but COME ON- do people really post things like that regularly, expecting someone to be interested? 
     It seems to me that some people think the activity that happens on their facebook will dictate whether they are socially challenged or not.  False. I don’t post on facebook regularly, and I can assure you I have a life and friends.  I don’t always need the world to know my business, and I don’t always need to know everyone else’s business.

My advice?  Stop poking, tagging, and liking.  Try living without facebook for a week, and you might find yourself living more in actual reality instead of obsessing over what is going on in the cyber world.